
  • Based on Information Systems Today: Managing in the Digital World book

1. Managing in the Digital World

Information System today

  • The proliferation of mobile devices such as smart phones, tablets, and iPads are all around us
    • Changes in technology enables new ways of working and socializing
  • Knowledge Worker” - Peter Drucker
    • Typically professionals who are relatively well educated and who create, modify, and/or synthesize knowledge as a fundamental part of their jobs
    • earned more and rise in leadership, Knowledge Society emerge
  • E-Business: org that uses information technologies or system support nearly every part of its business blurring knowledge works and manual workers
  • Digital literacy:
    • ability social network: to use appropriate technology to communicate and collaborate with peers, colleagues, family , and general public
    • digital citizenship: use these skills to acively participate in civic society and contribute to a vibrant, informed and engaged community
  • Digital divide challenge: people are left behind in information age by those who has digital literacy
  • Globalization:
    • increased outsourcing: for
      • To reduce or control costs
      • To free up internal resources
      • To gain access to world-class capabilities
      • To increase the revenue potential of the organization
      • To reduce time to market
      • To increase process efficiencies
      • To be able to focus on core activities
      • To compensate for a lack of specific capabilities or skills
    • Digital density: the amount of connected data per unit of activity
      • drivers of digital density:
        • connections: more connections between people and organizations
        • Data: more data from each node
        • interactions: increasing connections and data enable new value-added interactions and business models
  • Five IT megatrends:
    • Mobile
    • Social media
    • IoT
    • Cloud Computing
    • Big Data:
      • 5V of big data: Volume, Velocity, Variety, Veracity, and Value

IS defined:

  • Data vs Information vs Knowledge
raw symbolsformatted datadata relationships
123x123x is a SSN123x is John’s SSN, combining with other tables
  • Information systems can help organizations
    • Be more productive and profitable
    • Gain competitive advantage
    • Reach more customers
    • Improve customer service
  • Types of IS:
Transaction processing systemsprocess day-to-day business event
Management Information systemproduce detailed information to help manage a firm
Decision support system
Decision support system (DSS)
Intelligent system
Business intelligence system
Office automation system
Enterprise Resource Planning systemFinancial, operations, and human resource management

Dual Nature of IS

  • IS for competitive advantage
    • while the use of technology can enable efficiency and while information systems must provide a return on investment, technology use can also be strategic and a powerful enabler of competitive advantage.

IS ethics:

  • PAPA
    • Privacy
    • Accuracy
    • Property: intellectual property (IP)
    • Accessibity: proper hiring, training, and supervision of employees who have access to the data and implement the necessary software and hardware security safeguards.
  • The guidelines prohibit:
    • Using a computer to harm others
    • Interfering with other people’s computer work
    • Snooping in other people’s files
    • Using a computer to steal
    • Using a computer to bear false witness
    • Copyright or using proprietary software without paying for it
    • Using other people’s computer resources without authorization or compensation
    • Appropriating other people’s intellectual output