- Refer to vector-valued functions
- Maps are linear functions that return a vector of value instead of 1 value
- The components of the map f are scalar-valued functions fi for i=1,2,...,m
- Graph:
- Consider function f:Rn:R
- The graph of f is the set of input-output pairs that f can attain
- with f(x) as the n+1 element of the vector
- graph f= {(x,f(x))∈Rn+1:x∈Rn}
- Level set, or contour line:
- The set of points that achieve exactly some value for the function f
- For t∈R, the t-level set of the function f is defined as:
- Cf(t)={x∈Rn: f(x)=t} but typically only take 2 x(i) to graph

- The t-sublevel set of f is the set of points that achieve at most a certain value for f: