- In a State-space Search Tree
- Player alternate turn
- Compute each node’s minimax value
- meaning the min or max value depends on who is taking the turn
- Search with DFS, with b moves each layer and m layers
- Game tree pruning/Alpha-Beta Pruning:
- Metareasoning
- Has no effect on minimax value at root
- If MAX agent knows that MIN agent will choose based on his situation, we can ignore the paths that is not going to be used
- ex:

- Given the choice at E, MAX agent knows that MIN Agent has value 3 at B
- Then when MAX agent found 5 under E, there is no point going for more as other is bigger 5 will not be picked
- At F, MAX will choose 1 but knowing C will pick smaller or equal to 1, so MAX prune G
- So we prune the whole E
- Algorithm is more effective with the right child ordering:
- with perfect ordering → O(bm/2)
- → Depth Limiting Search
Uncertainty minimax search: