- https://cloud.google.com/sdk/gcloud/reference
- Each of the
gcloud GROUP
is used different for each of the service, from each of the group
- At all points, use help
gcloud help <group>
- then use
to search
- or man
- Use
gcloud alpha interactive
gcloud auth
gcloud auth login
gcloud auth application-default login
to authenticate the shell
gcloud config
gcloud config set project <projec_id>
Cloud shell:
- Has Terraform built in
- You can upload a file and download from the vm instance
- A temporary Compute Engine VM which is a part of Cloud VPC network
- Command-line access to the instance via a browser
- logged in by project’s default service account
- 5 GB of persistent disk storage ($HOME dir)
- After 1 hour of inactivity, the Cloud Shell instance is recycled.
- Only the /home directory persists.
- Any changes made to the system configuration, including environment variables, are lost between sessions.
- Pre-installed Cloud SDK and other tools
- gcloud: for working with Compute Engine and many Google Cloud services
- gcloud storage: for working with Cloud Storage
- kubectl: for working with Google Kubernetes Engine and Kubernetes
- bq: for working with BigQuery
- Language support for Java, Go, Python, Node.js, PHP, and Ruby
- Web preview functionality
- Built-in authorization for access to resources and instances
Modify the bash profile and create persistence
- Create persistence variable names in CLI?
Commonly used
- Quick start:
gcloud cheat-sheet