- CaaS, acts as a Control Plane for Kubernetes
- Google Cloud’s load-balancing for GCP Virtual machines
- node pools to designate subsets of nodes within a cluster for additional flexibility
- Use GCP Marketplace for GKE templates
- In GKE, the load balancer is created as a network load balancer.
- Provide credentials
gcloud container cluster get-credentials [CLUSTER_NAME] --region [REGION_NAME]
- only credentials for 1 cluster can be stored at a time
kubectl config view
gcloud container clusters
gcloud container clusters create bootcamp --machine-type e2-small --num-nodes 3
- Features:
- Horitzontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA)
- Vertical Pod Autoscaler (VPA)
- Cluster Autoscaler (CA)
- Node Auto Provisioning (NAP)
- Pay for:
- managed service
- resources
- networking
- There are a lot of add-ons, can be removed
Google Cloud Marketplace for GKE
1. Overview:
- Create Autopilot cluster:
- auto manage:
- Nodes: Automated node provisioning, scaling, and maintenance
- Networking: VPC-native traffic routing for public or private clusters
- Security: Shielded GKE Nodes and Workload Identity
- Telemetry: Cloud Operations logging and monitoring
- Only pays for pods, not nodes
- No ssh
- no priviledge escalation
- Create Standard cluster:
3. Workloads
- Deployment:
- K8s deployment
- Auto generate yaml file
- Can check the events of the control plane
- Job