- Account for an application or compute workload instead of an individual end user.
- Can treat the service account as a resource and decide who can use it by provisioning users or a group with the Service Account User role.
- For the role, manage permission
- All projects come with a Google Cloud APIs service account
- Represents a service
- The service account runs the code for you as a product, so the billing can be counted
- Types of service accounts:
- Custom
- Built-in
- Compute Engine and App Engine default service accounts
- Google APIs service account
- Runs internal Google processes on your behalf (like firebase)
- Managed by:
- Google-managed:
- Google stores both the public and private portion of the key.
- Each public key can be used for signing for a maximum of two weeks.
- Private keys are never directly accessible.
- User-managed service accounts
- Google only stores the public portion of a user-managed key.
- Users are responsible for private key security.
- Can create up to 10 user-managed service account keys per service.
- Can be administered via the IAM API, gcloud, or the console.
- You can create keys that can act as the service account then other project/user can use it with only specified actions
gcloud iam service-accounts keys create /tmp/key.json --iam-account service-account-name@${GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT}
gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file=/tmp/key.json