- Corresponds to the problem of finding a point on a given set that is closest (in Euclidean length) to a given point
- Given a vector x in Rn in a closed set S⊆Rn, the project of x onto S, denoted as ⊓S(x), is defined as the point in S at minimal distance from x
- S can be a line, a plane, hyperplane
- ⊓S(x)=arg min y∈S∣∣y−x∣∣2
- arg refers to the unique minimizer
Euclidean Projection on a line:
- Denotes L=x0+span(u)
- u is the direction of the line. WLOG, let ∣∣u∣∣2=1
- Let p∈Rn be a given point
- p∗ be the point on the line that is project of p
- p∗=arg min x∈S∣∣x−p∣∣2
- p∗ such that it minimizes x−p
- As any point on L can be written as x=x0+t.u for a scalar t, then we need to minize the t∗ (value of t for p∗) → minimize f(t):=∣∣tu−(p−x0)∣∣22
- A lot more proofs, then we have, t∗=uT(p−x0) and ∣uTp∣≤∣∣p∣∣2