Definition: X∼Gamma(α,λ)
- Continuous random variable
- For a>0 and λ>0
- The gamma distribution with λ=21 and α = n/2 is called the χn2 distribution (Chi-squared distribution) with n degrees of freedom
- X∼Gamma(n,λ) Gamma distribution denotes the amount of time one has to wait until a total of n events has occurred knowing avgly λ events occurs
- λ is the frequency of events happening, how many events per time frame
- Nb of events happened ∼Po(λt)
- X∼Gam(1,λ)=X∼Exp(λ)→When n=1, its the same as Exponential Distribution
Probability density function:
- f(x)=Γ(α)λe−λx(λx)α−1for x≥0 and 0 for x<0
- Where Γ(α) is Gamma function
Gamma function:
- Defined as:Γ(α)=∫0∞e−yyα−1dy
Expected value E[X]=λα
Variance Var(X)=λ2α
Sum of independent Gamma variables:
- If X∼Gam(s,λ) and Y∼Gam(t,λ), then X+Y∼(s+t,λ)