- Ensures only 1 process at a time is active within the monitor
- when process assume control of monitor, only it can read/write the shared data
- when process joins the queue (want to enter CS), it sleeps
- when conditinal variable signals queuing process, it wakups
- Protect a critical section:
- Internal variables only accessible by code within the procedure
- Only one process may be active within themonitor at a time
monitor monitor-name {
// shared variable declarations
procedure P1 (...) { ... }
procedure P2 (...) { ... }
procedure Pn (...) { ... }
initialization code (...) { ... }

- Operations: includes operations processes might want to run
- Intialization code: set the intial value for shared data
- Conditional variables
- example: there are 2 queues for each shared variable (conditional variables)
- better than 1 as x only need to signal the producer when empty and y signals consumer when full
: a process that invokes the operation is suspended until x.signal()
: resumes one of processes that invoked x.wait()
- If no
on the variable, then it has no effect on the variable