OnBootSec: (monotonic) Time spanning from a specific event, such as system startup.
displayed as DayOfWeek, Year-Month-Day, and as Hour:Minute:Second.
For example, a timer running daily at 3:00 a.m. displays as: OnCalendar=*-*-* 3:00:00
runs at 9:00 p.m. on the first Friday of the month: OnCalendar=Fri *-*-*1..7 21:00:00
OnCalendar: (realtime) time referenced on system clock
.mount unit file:
Mount for disk, similar to mount command but persistent
Mount points managed via systemd reference paths use a slightly different naming convention than ones managed via normal Linux paths. Where Linux paths contain forward slashes as delimiters, systemd .mount unit files use the dash character instead. A path that might normally read /mnt/projects/servers becomes mnt-projects-servers
What= abs path of storage to mount
Where= abs path to mount point dir
Type= define the filesystem type (opt)
.target unit file:
represent system startup configurations. These targets define what services start when the system starts, often by chaining multiple configuration files.
default= The target to which the system boots by default
multi-user.target Starts the enable services and the system to the CLI.
graphical.target Starts the enable services and the system to the GUI.
network-online Starts the specified network services, and delays the target until network service is established.
The default.target unit file points to the selected target—either CLI (multi-user.target) or GUI (graphical.target). When the default startup option is changed, this file is modified.
To move the system to the graphical target, type: systemctl isolate graphical.target
To set the graphical target as the default, type: systemctl set-default graphical.target