- Content: financial position (amount of assets, liabilities, and stockholders’ equity) of an accounting entity at a particular point in time.
- Consolidated balance sheet: overall balance sheet of a corp. with all its companies
- Heading:
- Name of the entity
- Title of the statement, Balance Sheet.
- Specific date of the statement
- Unit of measure (in millions of dollars).

- Dividend is dividend payable as liability
RE_cb = RE_ob + Net Income - Dividend
- Measured at the total cost incurred to acquire it, not generally show the amounts for which the assets could currently be sold.
- Assets are: current vs non-current assset, listed from most liquid to least liquid
- Includes:
- Cash: amount of cash in the company’s bank accounts
- Account receivable: Amounts owed by customers from prior sales
- Inventories and supplies:
- supplies use in short time, not for sale, in order to facilitate production
- raw material, work in process (semi finish), final product
- Non-current asset: purchased to use for >= 12 months, usually big purchases
- Property, land and equipment
- Prepaid expenses: rent, insurance, subscriptions,..
- Indicate the amount of financing provided by creditors
- Current and non-current liabilities.
- Includes:
- Account payable: Amounts owed to suppliers for prior purchases
- Notes payable to banks: owed to banks on written debt contract
Stockholder’s Equity:
- Indicates the amount of financing provided by owners of the business and reinvested earnings
- Includes:
- Common stock: Amounts invested in the business by stockholders
- Retained earnings: Past earnings not distributed to stockholders (no dividend)
- amount of earnings (profits) reinvested in the business
- Addtional paid-in capitals