The columns of A are scaled copies the same column p, with scaling factors given in vector q
The rows of A are scaled copies the same row q⊺, with scaling factors given in vector p
ex: differentiation
In terms of the associated linear map, for a dyad, the output always points in the same direction u in output space (Rm), no matter what the input x is.
The output is thus always a simple scaled version of u.
The amount of scaling depends on the vector v, via the linear function x→vTx
Having k independent columns and k small compared to m,n
Dyads in low rank matrix:
For k<<m,n a matrix m×n with rank-k is in the form A=UV⊺, for some matrices U,V with k independent column each. That is U∈Rn×k and V∈Rm×k
Then A has the form of sum of k dyads: A=(⊺..vk⊺=i=1∑kuivi⊺
Its elements are given by: A(i,j)=∑l=1kul(i)vl(j)