- From Euclidean Projection on a line, We have ∣xTy∣≤∣∣x∣∣2.∣∣y∣∣2
- The angle, θ defined by cosθ=∣∣x∣∣2.∣∣y∣∣2xTy
- which is the angle between 2 Vector
- Implies that Cosine angle between 2 vector have magnitude less than one
- → for any n-vector y: max∣∣x∣∣2≤1xTy=∣∣y∣∣2
Generalized Cauchy-Schwartz Inequality:
- For any two vectors x,y∈Rn: ∣xTy∣≤∣∣x∣∣p∣∣y∣∣q where p1+q1=1
- WLOG, assume ∣∣x∣∣2=1 and show that ∣xTy∣≤∣∣y∣∣2 for every y
- For every t∈R:
- 0≤∣∣tx−y∣∣22=t2−2t(xTy)+∣∣y∣∣22=(t−xTy)2+∣∣y∣∣2−(xTy)2
- Pluggin t=xTy proves the result