Discrete-time Control Systems:
- Model of a (discrete-time) dynamical system: where:
- is the “state” at time ;
- is the “control input”;
- is the “measured output”;
- are given maps.
- If do not depend explicitely on time, the system is said to be time-invariant.
- ”Continuous-time” version involves differential equations; can be approximated by the above via “discretization”
Linear models
- It is often convenient to approximate the model via linearization: where are matrices obtained by first-order Taylor expansion of the maps .
- Linear, time-invariant (LTI) system:
- correspond to the case when are constant:
- Given an initial state , and control input we can express the state at time as a linear map:
- where is the matrix multiplied by itself times.
- Proof: we check that .
Population dynamics
- Yearly population dynamics modeled via where
- and:
- state vector , with the population with age at time ;
- is is the average number of births per person with age ;
- is the portion of those aged who will die this year;
- the model assumes a maximum life span of 100 years.
- A control input can be used to model interventions (say, public health decisions)
- Time-invariance means that we assume the birth and death rates to be constant over time; the model also assumes that there is no immigration or other “inputs”.
- In the previous model, we now assume that, at any point in time, there is an influx of immigrants in the age group . Can the situation be modeled via where is a vector?
- Yes, with all ones, except zero at index 25 .
- Yes, with all zeroes, except one at index 25 .
- Yes, with all zeroes, except one at index 26 .
Supply chain models:
- Consider a simple supply network for a single commodity, stored at n warehouses.
- Each location has a target (desired) level or amount of the commodity.
- Commodity is transported over m transportation links, and also enters and exits the nodes through purchases (from suppliers) and sales (to end-users).
- Supply network dynamics
- x(t) is n-vector of deviations of commodity levels from target.
- Commodity flow m-vector is .
- Purchases and sales are recorded in -vectors ,
- Then: where is the incidence matrix of the network.
Continuous-time control system:
- Model of a (continuous-time) dynamical system: where
- is the “state” at time ;
- is the “control input”;
- is the “measured output”;
- are given maps.
- The continuous-time aspect often originates from physical laws, e.g. equations of motion .
- example: Cart on rail:
- Consider a cart of mass , moving along a horizontal rail, where it is subject to viscous damping (a damping which is proportional to the velocity) of coefficient .
- We let denote the position of the center of mass of the cart, and the force applied to the center of mass, where is the (continuous) time.
- The Newton dynamic equilibrium law then prescribes that
- which is the second-order differential equation governing the dynamics of this system.
- If we introduce variables (states) , we may rewrite the Newton equation in the form of a system of two coupled differential equations of first order:
- where we defined
- The system can then be recast in compact matrix form as where
- With this system we can also associate an output equation, representing a signal that is of some particular interest, e.g., the position of the cart itself:
- The model is a so-called continuous-time linear time-invariant (LTI) system, of the form
- Lagrange formula
- Given the value of the state at some instant , and given the input for , there exists an explicit formula (usually known as Lagrange’s formula) for expressing the evolution in time of the state of the system:
- where, for a square matrix , we define the matrix exponential as
- Discretization
Often, a continuous-time systems must be analyzed and controlled by means of digital devices, such DSP and computers. It is therefore common to “convert” a continuous-time system into its discrete-time version, by “taking snapshots” of the system at time instants , where is referred to as the sampling interval, assuming the the input signal remains constant between two successive sampling instants, that is
This discrete-time conversion can be done as follows: given the state of the continuous system (1) at time (which we denote by ), we can use equation (2) to compute the value of the state at instant :
The sampled version of the continuous-time system (1) evolves according to a discrete-time recursion of the form
For the cart example, with , and , we obtain a discrete-time system