- 2 n-vectors are orthogonal if xTy=0→x⊥y
- Non zero vectors are said to be mutually orthogonal if each vector is orthogonal to all other vectors
- they are also Linear Independence
- A collections of vectors S={x(1),...,x(d)} is said to be orthonormal if for i,j=1,...d
- (x(i))Tx(j)={01if i=jif i=j, meaning they are all unit vectors
- In words, S is orthonormal if every element has unit norm, and all elements are orthogonal to eachother
- A collection of orthonormal vectors S form an orthonomal basis for the span of S
- Procedure that finds an orthonormal basis of the span of given vectors.
- Given vetors a1,...,ak∈Rn, an orthogonalization procedure computes vectors q1,...,qn∈Rn such that S := span{a1,...,ak}= span{q1,...,qr}
- where r is the dimension of S and qiTqj=1 (i=j) for 1≤i,j≤r
- and qiTqi=1 for 1≤i,j≤r
- meaning all the q vectors form an orthonormal basis for the span
- Gram-Schmidt Algorithm