- Memoryless Variable stochastic
- For n-step transition
- To define propabilities Pijn to be the probability that a process in state i will be in state j after n transitions.
- That is Pijn=P{Xn+k=j∣Xk=i},n≥0, i,j>0
- The equation gives us Pijn+m=k∑Pikn.Pkjm
- Think of going from i to j in n+m steps with an intermediate strop in state k after n steps, like the end of the trees
- then sum all possible k states
- If P(n) denotes the matrix of n-step transition probabilities Pijn then P(n+m)=P(n).P(m)
- implies that n-step transition matrix maybe optained by multiplying the matrix P by itself n times
- example: