Dynamically configures monitoring after resources are deployed and has intelligent defaults that allow you to easily create charts for basic monitoring activities.
A metrics scope is the root entity that holds monitoring and configuration information in Cloud Monitoring.
belongs to a Scoping project
Each metrics scope can have between 1 and 100 monitored projects.
1 GCP project can only be monitored by 1 metric scope
Only monitoring relies on Metric scope, all other resources belongs to project
Can be from other common applications components, apache,…
A lot of metrics are for free
Can also monitor hybrid cloud with Bindplane
Uses MQL
Monitor a set of resources together as a single group.
Groups can then be linked to alerting policies, dashboards, etc.
Each metrics scope can support up to five-hundred groups and up to six layers of sub-groups.
Groups can be created using a variety of criteria, including labels, regions, and applications.
Cloud Monitoring agent:
A collected-based daemon that gathers system and application metrics from virtual machine instances and sends them to Monitoring.
By default, the Monitoring agent collects disk, CPU, network, and process metrics.
Configuring the Monitoring agent allows third-party applications to get the full list of agent metrics.
1. Overview
2. Dashboard
Create dashboard with many tools to monitor resources
Use this, so cool
4. Services:
Consolidated services overview page is your point of entry.
Define SLO directly, easily and let it monitor
Request-based SLO:
good request/total requests
Window-based SLO:
total nb of good/ bad requests
Can create alert with SLO too
5. Metric explorer:
For analyzing 1 type of any metric only, rather than many like a dashboard
Then create a chart and :
Can use:
specifies how to display when there are multiple lines
sort and limit
min interval
Analysis mode:
Standard mode displays each time series with a unique color.
Stats mode displays common statistical measures for the data in a chart.
X-ray mode displays each time series with a translucent gray color.
Each line is faint where lines overlap or cross the point appear brighter.
More useful for charts with many lines.
8. Uptime check:
Send request to service every bit of time to check
can be set to HTTP(s) or TCP
Set alert when it cant reach or the server is down
Can check:
App Engine application
A Compute Engine instance,
A URL of a host, or
An AWS instance
A load balancer
10. Groups:
Monitoring lets you define and monitor groups of resources, such as VM instances, databases, and load balancers.
Based on names, type, tags, label
You can organize resources into groups based on criteria that make sense for your applications.
And subgroup